Tag Archives: Training Plans

Weekly Recap June 29 – July 5th

Weekly Running Report 06-29 - 07-05-15 1

It’s Monday so that must mean it’s time to recap last weeks running.  Normally I don’t run back to back days…at least not since the stress fracture from earlier this year.  I’ve being doing my best to keep my miles low and just work on speed.  But since I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to run last weekend due circumstances out of my control, I ran ever day last week.  First time in a while  since I’ve had mileage this high.  I won’t lie, it felt good to run every day even though I had to get up every morning at 3:45 to get those runs in.  Heatwaves can’t stop me, I’ve got running to do and I honestly needed those runs.  It was a very stressful week that lead up to an even stressful weekend.  But sometimes you have to do what you can and just try to make it though.

Weekly Running Report 06-29 - 07-05-15 2

Due to the heat wave, I cut Monday and Wednesday’s run short.  It was so hot, even at 4am to keep running.  But this mornings run was blissfully cool.  I even ran an extra mile just for the joy of it.

Half marathon training for the Folsom Blues Breakout starts on the 23rd.  I’m nervous about it.  The longest run I’ve had since I started running again this year has been 6.2 miles.  And every one of those miles was tough.  I wish I had a preview of the training schedule so that I’d know what I’m getting into.  I’m guessing that the first long run will be 7 miles.  But I don’t really know for sure.  I’m feeling really nervous about it.  I’m sure once it starts I’ll be fine.  I’ve run several halves before so none of this is new to me.  But I’m a planner so not knowing what’s coming up is a little difficult for me.

How was your week?

What’s Next…

I’ve been spending most of my time working on my race schedule for this year.  I’d like to try to race once a month, mostly shorter distances with at least 1 half marathon.

Tenative Schedule for 2015
tentative Schedule for 2015

I’ve already run the Running of the Elk and I’m registered for SacTown 10.  But all the others are tentative.  A couple of months have more than one race but as the date get’s closer I’ll pick one.  Some will get weeded out as being too far away.

I'm in!
I’m in!

But I did go ahead and sign up for the Folsom Blues Breakout.  I really wanted to run this last year but due to my injuries and I passed up registering for it.  I’m only planning on picking one half marathon this year and I really want to do this one.  It’s a great course that’s relatively close to us and it’s mostly down hill.  I’m hoping for a new PR but if not, I’m looking forward to just enjoying the day.  Summer training for this one is going to hurt but I’m looking at joining a training group for it just as a way to stay on track.  I already know from past experience that I can train sucessfully on my own but I’d also like to meet people who also enjoy running like I do.  I have tons of “on-line” friends but none are really local or train at my pace.  Maybe my new best friend is in this group and we just haven’t met yet.

Trying to find a race for August was difficult.  There isn’t much that’s offered close to home for that month.  I’m assuming it’s because of the heat.  I might add a destination race for that month if I can.  I’m thinking something Central Coast.  Morrow Bay or Santa Cruz if they have something going.  August is also Hubbs birthday month so I have to make sure that I’m not planning anything that will interfere with his birthday celebration.

I also have no race for December.  I guess that it’s so far out that not a lot of planning is complete yet for that month.  I’m sure as it get’s closer, I’ll be able to find some kind of Christmas themed race or fun run.

Do you plan out your race calendar? Or are you a go with the flow, whatever catches your fancy kind of runner?

My most recent race was on November 22 and it did not go well…not at all.  Despite the amazing California weather we’d been having that Saturday dawned cold, rainy and very windy.  I don’t know what the wind speed was but it was enough to rock my car while I was on my way to the race.  It took me over 2 and half hours to finish but I did finish.  I thought several times about just giving up (ususally while running with a headwind).  It was horrible.  Enough said.

This is the face of someone who is very miserable in the first couple of miles.
This is the face of someone who is very miserable in the first couple of miles.

I’ve sat at home and thought about what I wanted to say about this race and other than saying that it was horrible, I couldn’t come up with a single positive thing about it.  I didn’t like the course, I hated that the pacers weren’t marked as to what pace they were running and I hated the weather.  It just wasn’t a good race.  The only up I could think of was that I didn’t quit and I finished.

I'm only smiling becuase I'm done and my mom is stading right at the end of the chute.
I’m only smiling becuase I’m done and my mom is standing right at the end of the chute.

So now I’m without a training plan and no race in sight.  This race was so horrible that I’ve been considering whether or not I want to run half marathons at all anymore.  Not to mention the injuries.  Pulled groin, shin splints and weird aches and pains.  It’s been a hell of year.

For the month of December I will not have a training plan.  I’m running what I want when I want.  It’s December 5th and I’ve only run 7 miles this month.  My shins are still bothering me and I really want to take some time off from running to heal without taking any real time off.  For now it’s a wait and see type thing.

Just a Little Streaking….


This week has flown by.  Work has been crazy busy with not much opportunity for anything else including talking about running.  But today the current class of cadets graduated so it’s really quiet around here, a little creepy quiet.  But that makes for the prefect time to catch up here.

What I’ve been up to…just a little steaking.  I’ve run the last 11 days in a row.  Until recently, the most days I’ve ever run in a row was 4 and I’m pretty proud of my new streak.  11 days and counting.  The next possible day for a day off from running is next Thursday.  It’s a wait and see how I feel kinda thing.  Too tired? Rest day.  Feeling lazy?  Rest day.  I’m pretty much going with the flow around here.

September Recap:

Days Ran:  26
Days Ran Outside:  6
Total Miles:  89
Miles Ran Outside: 26.5

I feel like my transition from treadmill to road is going well.  I’ve had a few aches and pains along the way but nothing serious.  Mostly I just need to stretch more and use my foam roller more.

I’m still trying to decide if I want to continue with my gym membership but at this point, as much as I enjoy the gym, I’m going to let it go.  It will mean getting up at 3:45 at least 3 days a week to get my runs in before work since it’s still too hot to run in the afternoons here.  I mean, come on, it’s October and it’s 97 here today.  Crazy.  But ultimately, I think I’m ok to run outside.

Plans for October:

  • Continue streaking
  • Long runs on Saturday starting with 8 miles tomorrow
  • Monday, Wednesday – 4. 5 mile runs/speed work
  • Tuesday, Thursday – whatever mileage I feel like
  • Friday – 4 mile easy run
  • Sunday – 4 mile easy run
  • Possibly sign up for a 5k or 10k that’s local and a decent price (I’m not paying $50 for a 5k here people!)

What are your plans for October?