Tag Archives: Meal Planning

April is Here & I’m Ready…I Think

April Board

April is here and I figured that it was time I updated my board with my current training schedules and motivation.  For all of March I still had February’s stuff up.  I never took the time to update the board, mostly because I was lazy and partly because it just wasn’t a priority for me.

I love my squirrel calendar.  I know it’s cheesy but by the time I finally got around to buying one Tractor Supply only had this one and tractors.  Tractors just aren’t my thing but I do have an odd love of squirrels.  Too bad none live in my neighborhood.

April Running & Racing Schedule

In addition to my squirrel calendar and my Fleet Feet Training Schedule from 2 years ago (what?  I keep it as a reference point), I have my April Running & Racing Schedule.  I love that I can get free typeable/printable calendars on-line.  It makes it so much easier for me to work out my schedule without having to write everything in pencil and then pen it in when I’ve finalized it.  I love crossing off the days and marking in what shoes I wore as the month goes on.  It helps to keep my on track and feel motivated as well as accomplished as the month goes on.

April is going to be a tough busy month as far as training and racing goes.  I have a half marathon scheduled and a 10 miler.  At this point my long runs are done for the Half since it’s this weekend and my long runs aren’t that long in preparation for the 10 miler three weeks later.  8 miles and 9 miles no longer seem long after running 11 miles and then a half marathon last month.  But I am upping my weekly mileage.  Last month all my Monday/Friday runs were 4 miles.  For April I’m upping them to 5 miles.  And the 4 mile Saturday runs are going to 6 miles.  This may or may not actually happen but I’m going to try it out.  4 miles on Saturday just seemed like a very short run for me.  I would be home in 40 minutes and have the rest of the day which was great but I feel like it’s not challenging me enough, so up goes the miles.

FitFluential April Abs

Last month I did FitFluential’s March Miles challenge.  This month Hubby and I are both doing their April Abs Challenge.  You plank (any version you wish) for the alloted time each day.  The challenge is here if you want to check it out.  We planked to 30 seconds yesterday and as the bad wife I am, I chuckled at Hubby having to really work hard for about the last 15 seconds.  But he got through it and did a great job.  I know that as the times get up past 1:30, I will be struggling too.  But I love the challenge of it all.

April Motivation

This month’s motivation is more of everything that makes it so worth while.  More effort = more satisfied.  The one thing that I don’t have on my board but need is a reminder that when I eat crap food, I feel like crap.  Gotta add that one because it’s so true.  I have not been eating good the last few weeks and I haven’t felt my best.  I  need to get rid of the junk and incorporate more high quality protein and carbs as well as more veggies.  I eat a lot of fruit every day and try for quality foods during the work day but at night it’s been falling apart in a big way.  I don’t want to mention the fact that I ate a whole package of fruit newtons in two days…they were whole wheat!  That makes it not as bad right?  No…I didn’t think so.  I need to make meal planning more of a priority.  Maybe I should update the Training Schedule to say Meal Plan on Thursdays.

What’s on your motivation/training board?

Do you meal plan?  If so, where do you get your ideas?