Tag Archives: Liebster Award

Winner, Winner!

Liebster Award

This morning I was so kindly nominated for the Liebster Award by Pretty Little Runner.  If you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you should.  She’s a new blogger with lots of insight into running.

The Liebster Award is an award for bloggers by bloggers. When you’re nominated for the award, you answer a set of questions asked by the blogger who nominated you and then nominate 11 other bloggers, and give those bloggers a set of questions to answer.  It’s a fun insight into the mind of your fellow bloggers.

My 11 Questions:

1. What inspired your blog name?

My blog name was inspired by the saying “13.1 – I’m only half crazy.”  Half marathons are my distance of choice despite the fact that I’m a much better runner at shorter distances.  But I’m stubborn, so half marathons are it.

2. What is your favorite racing moment?

My favorite racing moment was when I completed the Modesto Half Marathon and didn’t realize until 30 minutes later that I had PR’ed by over 11 minutes.  I literally cried in the parking lot.

3. Whats your fav pre-race meal?

My favorite pre-race meal is pasta with my mom’s homemade sauce, garlic bread and lots of water.  Every time my mom makes her sauce she saves some for me and I keep it in the freezer for special occasions.  It’s always good, but I especially love it when she makes it with italian sausage.  OMG, so good.

4. What is your favorite time of day to run and why?

I’m both an early morning & early evening runner.  I love both.  Early morning is so nice because most of the time I  have the roads to myself and it’s peaceful.  Early evening is my go to after work run time.  By the time I get home, do some chores and head out, most people are home feeding their families or out talking a walk.  It’s a great stress release for me.  By the time I get home anything that may have gone wrong during the day has melted away and I feel awesome.  And as bonus, I’m really happy and am able to be the best wife I can be for my sweetie.

5. How do you refuel after a run?

Chocolate soy milk…It’s so good after I run.  Also Nuun, strawberry lemonade is my favorite.  But not both at the same time.

6. Do you have a lucky charm or is there something you do before every race?

I have a lucky charm on my running shoes.  It’s a silver washer that says, “Stronger than Yesterday.”    It’s a good reminder that every run is a product of the one that came before.

7. How long have you been blogging?

I just started this blog in February 2014 but before I started blogging about running I blogged for several years as One Dropped Stitch.  It was a blog about knitting.

8. What is your running anthem (your favorite song to rock out to when you run)?

My anthem is Eminem – Lose Yourself because of the first part of the song, “Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment
Would you capture it? Or just let it slip”  If you want something bad enough, you just have to grab it and hold on.  Love this song…plus the beat doesn’t suck either. 🙂

9. If you could give your teenage self advice what would it be?

Don’t get side tracked by boys.  There will always be another boy, they’re like busses.  A new one comes by every 5 minutes.  They’re not all good and they don’t all take you places you want to go.  Stay focused, stay true.

10. What are your top 3 goals for 2014?

Run 5 half marathons – 2 already under my belt
Pay your bills in a timely manner (for God sake, you’re an adult…)
Try to be a better wife (not that I’m a bad one but I could always improve)

11. What’s your favorite motivational quote?

Running of the Elks - After


My Nominations:

1.  Maybe Marathoner
2.  Run Salt Run
3.  See Corens Run
4.  Running Southern
5. Run for the Pizza
6.  Running from it all
7.  Run Away with Me
8.  Eat Believe Achieve
9.  Four the Health of It
10. Casual Running
11. Sweat Like a Girl

My Questions:

1.  If I was coming to your city and could race only one race, what would you recommend?

2.  Almond Butter or Peanut Butter?

3.  Your favorite running shoe company has just offered to sponsor you to run 50 halves in 50 states.  It’s all expense paid, plus you get to bring a friend.  Who (dead or alive, famous or not) do you want to run with?

4.  What is your must have, can’t  live without running gadget?

5.  Dream race-station location?

6.  Runderware or no?

7.  Are you as annoyed as I am by the signs & shirts that say, “Run like Ryan Gosling is waiting for you at the finish line?”  I don’t want him to see me all sweaty and gross.

8.  How many running related stickers do you have on your car?

9.  What’s the most annoying thing you’ve had to deal with on a race course?

10.  Pen and paper or technology?

11.  How far out do you start your training schedule?

1. Thank the blogger who has nominated you
2. Answer the questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other blogs with less than 500 followers (I broke this rule a few times.)
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5. Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know that you have nominated them.

Thanks again to Pretty Little Runner for nominating me for the Liebster Award!