Tag Archives: Legally Blonde

I’m the Fastest Kid Alive!

Ok, I’m neither fast nor a kid but I did run my fastest mile since middle school last night and I’m flying high today because of it.

03-27-14 Splits

Look at mile 4…8:46!  Negative splits all the way and then, BAM, 8:46.  I knew I was working hard the whole run but I didn’t realize that I was working that hard.  The last mile was me pep talking myself the whole way.  “I know it hurts but keep going.”  “Don’t slow down.”  “Shut brain, let legs handle this.”  “Go legs!!”

I am so proud of that one mile.  It was a good run but that one mile was amazing to me.  I remember when I thought I was so slow running an 8 min/mile.  If getting older means getting faster, I’m in.  I’m faster than I was two years ago and I’m continuing to get faster.  Of course I’m working at it, it’s not a magic trick but I’m so excited to see the numbers dropping.

FF March Miles

My original goal was to run 70 miles by March 30th, but I decided to make it 100 miles by March 31st to participate in FitFluential’s March Miles.  Including yesterday’s run, I’m at 95 miles.

FitFluential March Miles

I have 3 more runs scheduled for this month.  Saturday is 4 miles, Sunday is long run day at 9 miles and Monday is 4 miles.  No run tonight because I’m getting my hair done but after Mondays run, I will be at 112 miles.

When I was running a couple of years ago, I didn’t feel like I was a real runner unless I was logging weeks in the 30 miles area.  Each mile was fought and won but there was no joy in them.  It was a job.  I never pushed that hard, I never wanted anything more than to finish.   But this time is different.  I love my runs more than ever.  And yesterdays run was a prime example of that.  I loved my run not just because I got an amazing mile time but because I was in a terrible mood before I went out and when I came back I was a much happier person.

Legally Blonde

Elle’s right.  Not that my husband was in any danger…last night.  Just kidding.  But no matter how tired I am or how much PMS (sorry guys) I’m dealing with or crappy days at work, running leaves it all behind and I come back a much happier person.

I Love Running

What do you love about running?

Racing this weekend?  Tell me when & where!